Dear Band and Color Guard,
Please pay close attention to the calendar this week because it's busy! MONDAY Wind ensemble and symphonic bands practice Monday afternoon; see below for times. TUESDAY The winter concert begins at 7PM, and the directors will let the students know what time to arrive. Girls wear black dresses and shoes; boys, tuxedos, tux shirts, bow ties, cummerbunds, black shoes and long black socks. Please see the attached sign-up for HOLIDAY TREAT HELP (!!!). We still need someone to watch over the treat table during the wind ensemble performance! (before the concert) BUTTER BRAIDS will be delivered before the concert so if you ordered, it would be a good idea to bring an ice chest for storage during the concert. If you ordered HOLIDAY PLANTS, pick up your envelope BEFORE the concert from the table outside of the auditorium. Your envelope will have a ticket for each plant purchased. Volunteer info here: (after the concert) At the close of the concert, volunteers will be at the front of the stage at three spots to distribute plants. Please give your tickets to one of the volunteers and your plants will be brought to you. See attached for more information. FRIDAY/SATURDAY/MONDAY (REGION BAND PROCESS EXPLAINED!) Non-Phased, Phase 1 and Phase 2 Region Auditions (Dec 7 — 10) — This region audition is open to all high school students. Wind Ensemble students are required to participate. Smaller groups of instruments (non-phased) and phase 1 percussion audition on Friday. Phase 2 percussion and larger groups of instruments audition in Phase 1 on Saturday. The top scoring students in Phase 1 advance to Phase 2 on Monday. See the bottom of this email or the band calendar to determine which instruments are non-phased and phased. The students who make region band participate in the Region Clinic/Concert on Dec. 14-15 at Clear Lake High School. Those who rank the highest advance to the Area Audition scheduled in January. Transportation is provided on school days from CLHS to the high school where auditions are taking place. Once all auditions for the evening are completed, students will then be transported back to CLHS. If you choose to pick up your student after their audition, an Alternative Transportation Form (can be found at must be completed and turned in to a director PRIOR to the audition date. Have a great week, Jennifer McBurnett VP — Communications STUDENT-RELATED NEWS & EVENTS FROM THE BAND COUNCIL Hey guys! I hope everyone's having a fun time prepping for region and the winter concert! :) If you haven't noticed yet, we are holding a holiday locker-decorating contest! Decorate your lockers by section with a theme you all decide on, and the band directors will judge in the following three categories: best decorations overall, most coordinated section, and most unique decorations. (Make sure all decorations are taken down by Thursday, December 20.) I can't wait to see how festive y'all will make the band hall look! Don't forget you can always communicate with the council through . Send any and all band pics you take (like at the winter concert) to [email protected] ! Camille Villar THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Monday, Dec. 3 Symphonic Band Rehearsal, 2:45-4:15PM Wind Ensemble Rehearsal, 4:30-6PM Tuesday, Dec. 4 Winterguard Staging Rehearsal, 4-6PM Winter Concert, 7PM Pick up butter braids and holiday plants at concert Wednesday, Dec.5 Thursday, Dec. 6 Winterguard Rehearsal, 3-7PM Friday, Dec. 7 Region Band Auditions, 2-10PM Phase 1 for percussion, region auditions for non-phased instruments: piccolo, English horn, e-flat clarinet, contra bass clarinet, alto clarinet, oboe, bass clarinet, bassoon, tenor sax, bari sax, bass trombone and tuba Saturday, Dec. 8 Region Band Auditions, 8-4PM Phase 2 for percussion; Phase 1 for phased instruments: flute, clarinet, alto sax, trumpet, French horn, tenor trombone and euphonium Monday, Dec. 10, 2-10PM Phase 2 for phased instruments: flute, clarinet, alto sax, trumpet, French horn, tenor trombone and euphonium This email has been sent via Charms Office Assistant on behalf of: Clear Lake High School Band 2929 Bay Area Blvd Houston, TX 77058 If you'd like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here.
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